N.A.W. Agility UP

Ninja Gas 20x

Raise one knee across the body while straightening out the arm on the same side. Jump and switch to the other side. Also known as “Heisman”, looks like a football stiff arm.

In & Out Plank Jacks 20x

In plank position, feet together. Jump both feet towards hands and then jump them back out. Jump both feet wide and jump back together. Both movements together count as one.

Jumping Jacks  30x

Traditional jumping jacks.

Burpee Sprint for 10x

Sprint in place, count to five and then drop down to the bottom push-up position. Count to three and jump up as fast as you can into the next rep.

Gym Lap 1x

One lap safety around the gym or 20-30 seconds medium to fast-paced run.

Jump Knee Tucks 30x

Jump both feet off the ground bring knees halfway to the chest (keep chest UP). Tap knees with hands each jump. The move should be performed at a maximum controlled speed.

Invisible Quintuple Steps 5x

Big controlled jumps back and forth to one foot. Moving forward and to the side a few feet each time. Like doing “invisible” quintuple steps. Down and back count as one.



Number One


Core UP