N.A.W. Balance UP
Slow-mo Kicks 10x ( 5 on each side)
Stand up straight. Slowly bring one knee UP towards waist 1,2,3, and then extend leg as straight as possible 1,2,3 Reverse 1,2,3 to bent knee and back down 1,2,3 to floor. Do 5x on one leg and switch legs for 5 more.
Slow-mo Squat on toes 10x
Stand up on your toes and keep your arms start Up by your ears the whole time. Squat down to chair position 1,2,3,4 down, 1,2,3,4 back up.
One-Legged Bear Push-ups 5x each foot
Stand on one foot. Slowly squat down and crawl out to push-up position. Do one push-up and crawl back and stand back up to the original position. All without touching your one foot. Switch sides every rep until 10 total.
Repeat 2-3x