N.A.W. Pyramid “Triceps” UP
The first round starts with doing one rep of each movement below. Every round you at one more rep. How many rounds can you get (with good form)?
Play Button Push-ups
In push-up position set feet wide and hands closer together. Thumbs and index fingers should meet making a triangle, heart, Hershey kiss, or a UP play button! Your chest should touch your hands before going back UP.
Modify by going on knees.
One-footed Floor Dips
Sit on your bottom with knees bent and hand behind you, facing forward. Like crab position. Raise your hips as high as you can, lift one leg UP in the air, and bend your arms dipping down to wear your bottom barely touches on the floor and back then pressing back UP. Switch feet every round.
Modify by keeping both feet on the ground.
Close Grip Pull-ups
Normal pull-up hand positioning with palms facing away from you but thumbs should be a close enough distance to touch.
Modify first by using a wall or object with one leg to assist. Or if you can not pull-up modify with a “Dead Hang” for 5 seconds
Round 1: 1 push-up, 1 dip, and 1 pull-up (5 seconds “Dead Hang”)
Round 2: 2 push-ups, 2 dips, and 2 pull-ups (10 seconds “Dead Hang”)
Round 3: 3 push-ups, 3 dips, and 3 pull-ups (15 seconds “Dead Hang”)
Round 10: 10 push-ups, 10 dips, and 10 pull-ups (50 seconds “Dead Hang”)